Hello friends, thank you to all who expressed interest into the OCULAR Magazine project. The response was fantastic but I have had to pull the pin on it all due to an increase in production costs from what I was originally envisioning. OCULAR was to be printed on high quality matt stock and bound but for a (very!) independent publication, the costs would be just too high.
The concept of OCULAR was to feature many photographs throughout the magazine and the stories behind them. (There’s always a story to tell behind every photograph!) I also wanted each issue to be a showcase of work from 2-3 Australian photographers and 1-2 international. It would be a way to curate and select talented photographers and get them seen by new eyes and people.
Unfortunately to produce such a magazine to the quality and standard I wanted would mean each issue would cost the customer upwards of $50. Nah! Just cannot do that or afford to for what would be a limited production run. I have spent the morning refunding everyone who pre-orders with news that OCULAR is now shelved indefinetly.
Which is not to say it will not return. Just right now, the timing is not right.
OCULAR will be a quarterly magazine publication focussing on street photography.
OCULAR will be a magazine consisting of many street photos and the stories behind them.
OCULAR will feature tutorials and essays on the wonderful world of urban street photography and in time will feature prominent Australian photographers who are also exponents in shooting the streets in exclusive interviews and showcases of their work.
Issue 1 is due for release in Nov/Dec 2022