Triptych 14 Years Apart

14 years ago I had this crazy idea to plant myself in an alleyway and just photograph people going by. No tripod. Just handheld. And try not to move for the life of me.

I found this amazing little walkway just off Chapel Street towards the Chapel Street Bazaar. It was during a lunch break at work so I didn’t have too much time on my hands but I knew in my mind’s eye what I wanted to capture.

So as people were walking past the alcove along Chapel Street, I snapped away only getting caught out in the last frame when the girl must have heard my camera and turned to approach me.


14 years later, I thought I would try and recreate the above shot and do it all again. Yesterday I headed to Chapel Street but the spot I used for the 2008 shoot was no longer available. I walked down Chapel Street towards Toorak Road and noticed a doorway that led to an alley and the Prahran Market. This would be perfect!

So I did it again. And again, in the very last frame… I got busted!

14 years apart! Same result!


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